106 Anvar (R) purebred Russian blue male kitten

(1 customer review)


SKU: 013 Category:

Russian blue kitten name Anvar

Color: blue with green eyes

Gender: male

Date of Birth: December 18th, 2024

The kitten comes from Europe, has a rabies shot and 2 PCH vaccinations, is microchipped, and has a health certificate, international passport, FeLV/FIV test and fecal test for parasites (if it’s possible to obtain), and registration card.

*The kitten will be neutered as a pet.


Customer can receive the kitten at the age of 4 months old or if the kitten is older at the moment of purchase in 1-3 weeks (depending on the delivery options)

Food: RC kitten

Litter filler: wood or paper pallets.

A non-refundable deposit is $500.


To reserve the kitten you have to pay a deposit or pay the whole amount ahead (a nonrefundable deposit is the same). The rest you pay on the pick up at our location or 2 days before shipping if you need a delivery to your location.

1 review for 106 Anvar (R) purebred Russian blue male kitten

  1. admin

    Laoreet suspendisse interdum consectetur libero. Fames ac turpis egestas integer eget aliquet nibh praesent. Sed felis eget velit aliquet sagittis.

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